The ocean is filled with power and beauty.
To explore it, we have to have adapted ourselves to its rules. When we do, what was previously terrifying becomes something that creates wonder and awe within us.
Once a few myths have been dispelled, and we become more at ease with this new sense of movement, and new rules of being, we begin to actively pursue what we were previously afraid of.
Lets take sharks for
example. You can thank the film “Jaws” for every fear you have of sharks. There
are more people struck by lightning every year than there are shark attacks on
human beings.
They are incredibly beautiful creatures. Many times on the Great Barrier Reef, I would swim gently upto white tip reef sharks. During the day they could be found sleeping on the ocean floor… With very slow movement, and using my breath to gently descend, I could lie next to sharks to within a metre or so, and look them in the eye. White tips are not just “grey”. There skin has a pearlescent sheen of pinks and purples. Breathtaking.
So, what leviathan do you carry around beneath the surface of your being? What powerful fears do you remove yourself from? With patience, and acceptance, you can look them in the eye, turn them to the light, and re-integrate them into the fabric of your being.
Here is a small video that I shot underwater in Egypt and Mexico of a few beautiful underwater sights. Spend a couple of minutes admiring the elegance of movement, and the dance of form. I hope it inspires you to practise some stillness, and experience the power and beauty of your soul.
Following the video
there is a few works of art one of which I have just created. I haven’t titled
it, but it is inspired by the subtle and elegant movement of the eagle
ray. There is a connection between
the dance of its movement through the water, and the subtle energies of the
soul. I hope you like it.