Me and my wife expect
our child to be born mid November.
To be perfectly
honest, this has given me a vast realm of experiences recently. I have been
enthralled and overjoyed at seeing this little life move around inside Clare
(my wife). I have been overwhelmed at the prospect of being responsible, once
again for bringing life into the world.
I have had to walk my
talk. I’ve been stressed, worried and anxious. But through finding some “still
time”, I have been calm, serene, poised and ready. In short ive been more able to bring myself to these
feelings. To find a place for them all.
Feelings are powerful.
We create them. All of them. We may not like some of them. But we do it anyway.
Your feelings are a wonderful gateway to
experiencing the power and beauty of your soul.
But how? And why?
Well, wether you
believe in Soul or not, most people, when you talk to them for long enough,
will agree, at the very least that there is something more.
And somehow, this
something more, wether you consider that to be the power of the subconcious
mind, the ebb and flow of universal energy, the heart beat of God, is very powerful.
And you are an intrinsic part of it. Your feelings are also an ebb and flow of
When we realise, just
for a moment, that we are more than our feelings, then there is freedom.
How do we do this? Well,
listen to this podcast on contemplation, and it will give you a tool to do this
in about 2 minutes. With practise.
Why should you? Because you will feel better
about yourself when you do.
So what on earth has
this got to do with art?
Well, if you have read
this far, it is probably because you are drawn to the power and beauty of my
art in some way. You are struck by how it makes you feel. You like the colour,
and the form. It brings you energy. It makes you feel alive.
Thankyou for your
All of that power and beauty has come from one
place. Stillness.
About 50% of what I do
is about creating from a place of stillness. Artwork, workshops, writing, my
life. my wife, my children all feel the benefit of this.
The other 50% is in
helping people find some stillness so that they can enjoy what I (or what they)
If you would like to
find out more about experiencing the power and beauty of your Soul, then here
are a few things you can do:
1. Come to my talk on 15th December, 7.30 at The Isbourne Foundation at Cheltenham. See The Isbourne Foundation Wesbite for Directions
Why should you come?
- If you feel a little lost on your life, and work, and know there is more,
then this will provide you with some pointers to find fulfilment
- If you feel great, and want to be feel even more inspiration, then you will
enjoy this too!
- I will be sharing some new works of art that capture the essence of what it
means to feel truly alive. I will also be sharing some practical tools to give
you an experience of how to find stillness in everyday life.
- I will also be sharing the SoulScape process, which helps you connect to what
is most important in your life through artwork.
- There will be originals and Ltd Editions there so you can see more artwork in
the flesh. (Ltd editions also make great Xmas presents.)
- Lots of good, like minded people will be there, including me.
Tickets are only £5 payable on the day.
I may be a little tired with my new addition to the family, but it will be
inspiring anyway! I promise.
There are only 40 places, 5 have already gone. So please email [email protected] or call 01242 808 333 to book your place.
Book me for a no obligation consultation for
your SoulScape. A SoulScape is
a work of art, personally created to help you find a more continual experience
of your inner power and beauty. (Click here to find out more about SoulScapes
and Wedding SoulScapes).
A SoulScape means different things to different people, so a meeting face to
face helps us both to understand what it could do for you.
I am getting bookings for 2011 already, so if this is something you are
interested in call, or email sooner rather than later! 01242 808 333 or [email protected]
Find some still time just for you, for 2
minutes a day. Listen to the
podcast on contemplation if you need help stilling your mind. (That’s free